Anybody Following Denis Burns Custody Case?


Aug 10, 2006

But apparently now he is missing with both kids...
I watched an interview with the mum the other night, something just seemed off about the whole thing. I'll have to read the huffpo article to try and get some idea of the other side of the story, but watching her, well she just seemed a bit off, I didn't feel she was telling the full story.
By the way I watched another case of something similar just last night on Dateline or some other Australian news show -- that case had involved an Australian mum and Italian father, and 4 daughters. The children were born in Italy, lived there until the oldest daughters were in their early teens, about 13 and 11 or so, the parents were also supposedly "amicable" after the divorce, then the woman went to the Australian embassy, alleged abuse, the embassy now admits tthey should have investigated the claims first, but instead put the mother and the 4 daughters on a plane back to Australia. The mum told the daughters they would see their father in Australia at a later date. Meanwhile the father was in Italy and just found out the woman had kidnapped his daughters. So he spent years trying to get them back, they were finally returned under court order, are now living happily back in Italy with their dad who they claim never abused anyone, and it was only when the television show decided to do a story on the family did the mum actually get on a plane to go and visit her daughters -- up until the tv cameras were around she had claimed that since the daughters went back to Italy she had just been too busy working and studying to be able to get time to visit them.

I can say watching the mum on America Noticias last week I was already thinking to myself something is up with this woman, and then my husband came in, watched it for about 10 minutes and then turns to me and says, Is it just me or does something not add up, does this woman sound like a narcissist? And so this is the first time I've seen the american dad's side of the story, but hearing the mum's side only the other night already had made me suspicious of the mum, so now will be curious to see his side.
I just feel very sorry for the children :(

It is not the first time I hear of big problems that leave kids in the middle of two countries ( there are several American-Argentine cases I heard of ). The possibility of having children with a local being an expat is something that should never be taken lightly. Everybody is very nice and sweet, until they divorce.

There is a local saying that implies that you really get to know your spouse when you divorce.
What's weird is how did she get them out of the US? She would have needed a signed permission from the father to travel alone with them (assuming they were born in the US which it sounds like they were). If she didn't have one and the airline let her board, that's a big no-no.
What's weird is how did she get them out of the US? She would have needed a signed permission from the father to travel alone with them (assuming they were born in the US which it sounds like they were). If she didn't have one and the airline let her board, that's a big no-no.

The US court granted her a 15 day permit to visit Argentina,,, she stayed 5 years,,,? She is clearly in violation of the law

On Sep 9, 2010, two American children, Victoria and Sophia Burns,... ... Victoria and Sophia Burns, were abducted by their mother to Argentina after a US .....


https://www.facebook...61817936965���� $$$$$
I just feel very sorry for the children :(

It is not the first time I hear of big problems that leave kids in the middle of two countries ( there are several American-Argentine cases I heard of ). The possibility of having children with a local being an expat is something that should never be taken lightly. Everybody is very nice and sweet, until they divorce.

There is a local saying that implies that you really get to know your spouse when you divorce.


The Media here depicts Burns as a bum, a ski instructor during the Aspen season and on Unemployment the rest of the year, his home was foreclosed last year? Also convicted of spouse abuse, and sentenced to community work . You watch the video and feel like contributing to his fund,a Victim?

it`s the daily mail but you`ll see that the judges said there was no evidence for abuse. In this article it says BOTH accused each other of abuse --

I know 2 different cases personally here, 1 an American man who abandoned his few months old daughter and claimed that he would set up a trust for her in the USA so when she`s 18 she can get some money -- then I see from his facebook that he has since seemingly done the same to another woman in Brasil.

And I know a Canadian woman who had a baby with an Argentine guy -- she decided he wasn`t that great of a guy -- which should have been obvious considering when he got her pregnant another one of his kids was only 6mos old. Anyway she did both things, she up and left for over a year leaving behind her daughter. Then she came back and kidnapped her back to Canada. How do I know that she kidnapped and not claimed custody via legal means? Because once she was back in Canada she posted all over Facebook that sorry she hadn`t been in touch with everyone but she had been in Argentina and had successfully stolen her child back. And she went into details. It was pretty horrific.
What's weird is how did she get them out of the US? She would have needed a signed permission from the father to travel alone with them (assuming they were born in the US which it sounds like they were). If she didn't have one and the airline let her board, that's a big no-no.
There really is no law or rule denying anyone from exiting the USA: one parent traveling with their child. It is a Constitutional thing. The airline deal is another thing: denied entry by Argentina, no notarized letter. Truly is a tragedy for the children.

"Adults traveling with children should also be aware that, while the U.S. does not require this documentation, many other countries do; failure to produce notarized permission letters and/or birth certificates could result in travelers being refused entry (Canada has very strict requirements in this regard)."