Austerity shock: caution at the labor confederation, panic among state workers


Feb 5, 2013
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Originally in then translated for re-publication by the herald

“This 118% devaluation is a massive cut that liquidates the income of workers and retired people. They have been robbed, while the caste wasn’t even touched. We will not accept a wage freeze,” Aguiar said...

He has also increased many taxes that will greatly affect the middle class . I though he was a liberal and against the casta . Now we see clearly the true colors of this new government . It is going to be a very bumpy ride.

I have no sympathy for the ñoquis, the people that don't work and collect a ton of perks, but people who actually work for the state I feel bad for, and regular folks because the adjustment hasn't been applied to the caste, just normal people, but everyone that wasn't drinking the Milei Kool Aid knew that was going to be the case, after all, he'd never make the people that funded him/supported him pay.

The gananicas shitshow is a prime example. People who work 100% en blanco, pay their taxes, do everything by the book, and make a piss poor wage of barely 1K USD a month will now pay a tax that's supposed to target high incomes, as if someone making that is anywhere comparable to the CFKs/Macris/Bernis/Mileis of the world.
The gananicas shitshow is a prime example. People who work 100% en blanco, pay their taxes, do everything by the book, and make a piss poor wage of barely 1K USD a month will now pay a tax that's supposed to target high incomes, as if someone making that is anywhere comparable to the CFKs/Macris/Bernis/Mileis of the world.
Could you please provide specific details of the "ganancia shit show" or al least a link where I can read about it?
Could you please provide specific details of the "ganancia shit show" or al least a link where I can read about it?
So, as agreed between basically everyone in congress, including Milei himself in which he went on a rant about the Ganancias tax, it was raised to be applicable to those earning 15 times the minimum wage, which is still a little low IMO as that's only $2,340 USD/month, but still, it was progress as people earning shy of 1K USD a month were paying taxes that were supposed to target the wealthy.

Milei, via Luis Caputo, now wants to reverse this, and lower the ceiling at which point ganancias will apply, which basically everyone from the Ks to Pro to the Communists to even his own deputies are likely against, as part of a "temporary" take hike.

More info can be found here:

This is why I've always used scare quotes when calling Milei a libertarian, these people rarely practice what they preach, and the caste is apparently someone who pays half their income in rent that will now have to pay high income taxes.
The gananicas shitshow is a prime example. People who work 100% en blanco, pay their taxes, do everything by the book, and make a piss poor wage of barely 1K USD a month will now pay a tax that's supposed to target high incomes, as if someone making that is anywhere comparable to the CFKs/Macris/Bernis/Mileis of the world.
As ideal as it would be to waive income tax for workers, almost all developed countries (including the often idealized Nordic countries) apply income tax to all income earners, including those on minimum wages, at progressive rates (like Argentina also has/ had/ will have). How Argentina, a state with a major financial deficit and debt burden to cover (both borrowing and monetary emission) has the luxury to do otherwise is pure mythology.

Hell, in "socialist" Sweden workers pay over 30%+ on every krona they earn over 0 while in the "neoliberal" US they start off paying 10% on every dollar earned over 0. In a post-crisis crippled Greece it is 15% from the first Euro. Even "communist" China applies income tax on all workers over the first yuan. On top of that they have all the usual passive taxes like sales tax/ IVA, property taxes, municipal levies and fees etc, and high costs of living relative to wages often affecting workers' lives.

Unless and until state expenses (including debt obligations) can be reduced or otherwise match its income from other sources, one pays them in tax or one pays them in inflation - and in the economic train-wreck of yesterday's and today's Argentina one pays them with both.

Did society seriously become so self-entitled to think it could enjoy a highly subsidized lifestyle and pay no income tax all, either by state tax policy or by individual tax evasion? Have we not learned over the past 30+ years that in almost every Argentine election politicians try to buy votes with tax cuts or handouts only to cut them off or make them "evaporate" shortly after taking office and having to actually deal with the numbers?
So, as agreed between basically everyone in congress, including Milei himself in which he went on a rant about the Ganancias tax, it was raised to be applicable to those earning 15 times the minimum wage, which is still a little low IMO as that's only $2,340 USD/month, but still, it was progress as people earning shy of 1K USD a month were paying taxes that were supposed to target the wealthy.

Milei, via Luis Caputo, now wants to reverse this, and lower the ceiling at which point ganancias will apply, which basically everyone from the Ks to Pro to the Communists to even his own deputies are likely against, as part of a "temporary" take hike.

More info can be found here:

This is why I've always used scare quotes when calling Milei a libertarian, these people rarely practice what they preach, and the caste is apparently someone who pays half their income in rent that will now have to pay high income taxes.
The governors of all the provinces are who are pressing Milei to reinstate the ganancias tax as they receive a large chunk of that money. Milei is considering agreeing to it in exchange for the governors pressing their senators and diputados to support Milei's reforms in the congress.
now the piqueteros are about to get their legs chopped off with this new public order directive from Bullrich. I hope it holds up, their bullshit has gone on far too long
now the piqueteros are about to get their legs chopped off with this new public order directive from Bullrich. I hope it holds up, their bullshit has gone on far too long
To what extent does what Bullrich says translate to action at a local level? I understand that policing is a provincial competence. I always thought that the CABA / PBA police could have broken up any piquetero blockades they wanted.