Interesting Story With Buenos Aires Connection...

well long story.. The new President may give green light for Extradition to the USA

Reading the whole thing, and taking the evidence presented at face value, it would appear very probable that he killed his wife. But to come to Argentina and frame the story as a conspiracy to silence him for what he knows about 911? Sheer genius.

Can you imagine the smile on cfk's face as she signed the denial of extradtion?
Lot of US criminals hiding in BA. It would be awesome if all are rounded up and sent back *home*
This is a LONG article.In my view it is a huge con job by Kurt capitalized on very effectively by the strong anti-US sentiment in Argentina's media and population in general which goes way back before the dirty war and affixed with CFK's refusal to extradite him.
Argentina's population in general has professed this anti-US sentiment almost consistently since at least 1940.Characterized chiefly by Peron and Evita and their political party.The slogan "Braden o Peron" in the mid-'40s is instructive.Of course,U.S. foreign policy never took the avid interst in Latin America that it should have and this is one of the bad results.Nonetheless,the U.S. has the 2nd largeat Argentine expatriat population after Spain.Go figure.
On a lighter note, I got a laugh out of the author's description of el barrio de Barracas"a scruffy,gentrifying neighborhood south of downtown".I remenbered Sabato's description of that same barrio in his "Sobre Heroes y Tumbas"---"...Me quieren decir quien pero quien vive en Barracas? Nadie mas que 100 mil gatos y perros".
My opinion has always been that Argentines had this sentiment out of a surpressed jealousy because out of all of the countries based on immigration ,theirs failed in its attempt to give its population a continued hope of a better life and the U.S. did not.Now with a new government in Argentina maybe this will change.
I heard a rumor that U.S. authorities might be at Coffee Chat, next week. Let's see if any of the regulars aren't in attendance.
Sadly, this is not the first, and probably not the last. This forum has seen it's share of 'questionable' to down-right criminal types.
John Doe - As of this morning, per the TN/C5N/Canal 26/Canal America weather newscasters, there is a high probability of rain to be expected for next Tues. But they have been known to mispredict more often than none!
Today I gave this story a 2nd slower and more careful reading.I reiterate that what has so far saved Kurt from extradition to the the pervasive and consistint anti-U.S. sentiment in Argentina which the media and especially Peronist politicians have successfully played to for at least the last 80 cover up their own and the country's failures in general.
Even given the strident anti-Kircnnerist tone of Clarin in the last few years,their European correspondent Julio Algañraz who I have been reading for decades ,in an article a few weeks ago on the Argentine found guilty of murder in Texas and who has been on death row since 1996 ,states that his accomplice turned state's evidence againt him leaving "el latino" to face murder charges alone.
His accomplice was not anglo but also a "latino" and Mexican born by the name of Chavez.
Neither Clarin nor many Argentines on thel left have not changed.They always play up to anti-U.S. sentiment when it seves their own purpose even if it is a lie.It is a great cover up and works every time.