From LaNacion: Macri lanza un plan para reforzar el control de los inmigrantes

LOL Then the dipshits are like why is everyone working in black gee wiz no wonder. If your just scraping by, which I am not but these poor locals just get yanked by insanely backwards kindergarten economics. Well lets print more pesos, right! I was in URU and all of sudden all these new crisp pesos are rolling out of the machine. I looked at the guy in the bank and said... guess your pesos is going down. BAM within a short time it went from 20 to 30.

You are not updated, they were printing Levacs that are worst, because they were paying 40% interest. Idiots? No. They were paying to their selves that. Corruption.
Well you're a lawyer, so I assume you are able to find the relevant parts very fast to help us laymen?

Because right now, you can still apply for permanent residency from marriage.

Why should I waste my time in someone who is too lazy to read? Pay a consultation fee to another professional ;).

By the way, websites are not enforzable, the law, decrees and DNU are enforced by the immigration agents.
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Thank you for all your input in this forum. I've read DNU 70/2017 but can't find if they have modified Article 22 of the previous law ley_25871

ARTICULO 22. — Se considerará "residente permanente" a todo extranjero que, con el propósito de establecerse definitivamente en el país, obtenga de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones una admisión en tal carácter. Asimismo, se considerarán residentes permanentes los inmigrantes parientes de ciudadanos argentinos, nativos o por opción, entendiéndose como tales al cónyuge, hijos y padres. A los hijos de argentinos nativos o por opción que nacieren en el extranjero se les reconoce la condición de residentes permanentes. Las autoridades permitirán su libre ingreso y permanencia en el territorio.

Would it be possible to let us know what did they modify to exclude fathers from process.

One more question for you is if its possible to apply for citizenship for parents once you have an Argentinian born child with a tourist visa. That is without waiting for 2 years residency.

Thank you so much

Thank you for all your input in this forum. I've read DNU 70/2017 but can't find if they have modified Article 22 of the previous law ley_25871

ARTICULO 22. — Se considerará "residente permanente" a todo extranjero que, con el propósito de establecerse definitivamente en el país, obtenga de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones una admisión en tal carácter. Asimismo, se considerarán residentes permanentes los inmigrantes parientes de ciudadanos argentinos, nativos o por opción, entendiéndose como tales al cónyuge, hijos y padres. A los hijos de argentinos nativos o por opción que nacieren en el extranjero se les reconoce la condición de residentes permanentes. Las autoridades permitirán su libre ingreso y permanencia en el territorio.

Would it be possible to let us know what did they modify to exclude fathers from process.

One more question for you is if its possible to apply for citizenship for parents once you have an Argentinian born child with a tourist visa. That is without waiting for 2 years residency.

Thank you so much

The DNU didn’t chanhe art. 2.2 of law 346, so, yes, you can aplly without legal residency.

With all my respect, I do not have the time for babysitting.

It takes 5 secons to you to google the answer:3F17A92A-30B1-4A0E-8462-8523544A1B76.png
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