Fed Up With The Usa; They Chose Chile

He was a reason, no the reason to watch Fox news before he became too nutty even for them. Just another tent preacher who distinguishes himself only by managing to spout even more fanciful nonsense than his god fearin' peers.

Your assessment is a very charitable one.
I've been to Chile and I can speak from experience: the meat sucks (and most other food besides the sushi but you can't live on expensive sushi every day) and the city is more car-friendly than pedestrian friendly. The people have a weird vibe and the pollution is THE WORST I have seen in any city I've been (in 39 countries). I'll take bad economic policy any day to living like that!

Chile's worst urban pollution problems are in southern cities like Temuco. Fossil fuels are admittedly disastrous, but widespread use of firewood for household heating and cooking is even worse on a local level.
He was a reason, no the reason to watch Fox news before he became too nutty even for them. Just another tent preacher who distinguishes himself only by managing to spout even more fanciful nonsense than his god fearin' peers.

I don't listen to him very often (his radio program is aired when I am working outside) and I don't watch him on TV now. He was on CNN before FOX and I believe that's where he predicted the crash of 2008. I was in the USA then and watched it unfold on CNN.

Glenn Beck actually doesn't make many predictions as far as I know, but he was ridiculed by everyone on the left for saying (in 1999) here would be blood in the streets of New York if the US didn't do something about Osama Bin Laden. He was also ridiculed for saying that the Arab-Spring (starting in Egypt) was the beginning of a Caliphate.

If anyone can provide example of his "fanciful nonsense" (other than his Mormon religion), here's your chance. I've rarely heard him spoutin' his religion, though I know he is a devout Mormon.

Yes, I was "inspired" by one thing Glenn said about buying land where I can grow my own food. I did not say Glenn beck was my inspiration. To make it look like I did is misleading, to say the least.

I was even more "inspired" to buy land in Argentina where I could grow my own food by things said by Barack Obama.

Would anyone here like to make the assertion that I admire him in any way?

I can say without hesitation that I do have more respect for Beck than Obama.

I just came in from mowing the back 5840 (meters) and I'm happy to be living in a place where the air is clean and the sky is huge...and I'll be planting corn soon.
Why did I select these words? Because ACORN selects tides, they all select their... their... WORDS first and then tie them all together in one word.

Could you pick the one that was missing?
That's right kids it was the left hemisphere.

I stand by what I said. Mediocre tent preacher.

First rate comic though.
I beg to differ, as Beck descended into insanity Fox news was funnier then the Daily Show (which, of course, as always, had more news content than Fox) - this then inspired the Daily Show to greater heights:

I thought about this when the Glenn Beck discussion started.
If anyone can provide example of his "fanciful nonsense" (other than his Mormon religion), here's your chance. I've rarely heard him spoutin' his religion, though I know he is a devout Mormon.

Beck's Mormonism no sillier (nor any less silly) than the rest of his wingnuttery. Therapeutic gardening is as close to sane as he and his followers will ever get.